This year the main challenge for me has been time. In future I want to make regular blog posts on my personal blog and also take more time to comment on my students blogs. I have developed my ability to let go of the 'apron strings' and allow my students to have more responsibility with our class blog. The introduction of the 4 netbooks and 2 new PC's has made this more achievable and I am now confident to let students do things with out me :) This has also created more responsibilities for a variety of students. I have used tech sperx as teachers and the children are now confident to sign up for new tools, independantly use photo sharing tools such as photo peach and animoto and use recently introduced new web 2.0 tools to help support our learning. I have been very proud of the way our class blog as developed now that I am not the only one responsible for adding posts.
In reflection to the new tools that I signed up for at the end of last term and in the holidays I have found Bit strips to be an absolute success, however we only had a 30 day trial. I have tried to sign up for little bird tales but the csv code wouldn't work. I will have another look at this tool over the xmas holidays.
I also need to find time to teach other members of staff that had requested how to use Audacity.