Sunday, 16 June 2013

Leadership in Maths

So far this year I have been on three mathematics courses so far these courses have provided support in moderation of strand and setting units in strand topics to gain coverage through integrated units. I have found these courses extremely beneficial as it has allowed me to offer a series of up to date new material to other collegues and also made my classroom programme richer. I have been given a variety of websites and places to support our beginning teachers in their mathematical journey.

Maths buddy: Our school has been fortunate enough to have a trial taster of  online maths resource "Maths buddy". So far this is working really well supporting students in my classroom and several others teachers and classrooms around the school. All children have their own passwords and a newsletter has been sent home to parents so that parents can get involved and keep up to date with their children's learning. I am looking forward to checking childrens progress reports at the end of our fractions and decimals unit and seeing the individual gains. This programme has saved me time in marking and coming up with new ways to teach the same concept when children need more support with understanding.