Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Reflection mid way through term 3

It is hard to believe that it is almost half way through the term. Our production practising is well underway and I mentioned in my last post that I was having difficultly converting music files, which I managed to do through you tube.org into audacity.
It has been hard being away for two days this week with illness. Great to see the hype around the school with maths week and the middle syndicate challenges are going well.

Reflecting on my term 2 goals
 -To personally get back involved with tweet conversations to update myself with new E-learning.
-Use my teaching station and mobi pads to engage students and maximise learning.

My class goals for Room 9 are to have children regularly contributing to their E-learning blogs and commenting on each others blogs in effective ways to help each other and support learning.
Encourage students/families to get more involved in commenting and viewing blogs .

In reflection to these goals the class has managed to have regular entries into their individual blogger and thier comments with their buddy class, room 15 have improved. Room 9's next steps is to help make more regular comments and entries into our class blog.

In reflection to my personal goals. I have been updating myself with new E-learning through Edu feeds but not got back into twitter, one of the reasons for not using twitter has been through all of the hacking and viruses that has been going around.
I can use my teaching station more effectively and the class is loving using the mobi pads trying to fit in the teaching station into all rotations.

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