Monday, 23 September 2013

End of term Reflection

The term has been really busy with so much exciting learning having had Tamara our student teacher for the first 6 weeks was fantasti and then with our big cultural focus ending with a cultural feast and our cultural presentations. We have had speeches, cross country which has been full on for everyone. I have stepped up in my leadership role in Mathematics where I have started a Mathematical inquiry I have booked in a session to have one of the numeracy facilitators come in working with Frankton School as well to create a two year overview. I also have plans to work with Korokonui school to help reconstruct our implementation plan. Other highlights have been the gymsport competition which we are haeding off to the regionals tomorrow. Drama club has also been working well with so many children attending of mixed gender and from all across the school junior middle and senior I would definitely like to make this happen again next year.

The message I have taken away from the Tedx video is rememebering to have a "time in"  for the little messes to solve class room problems and enrich relatonships and just how powerful this our circles are and restoritive chats to create our children into citizens that advocate this in their own personal lives in the future.


  1. Hi Krystal
    How good is that concept of 'time in' right. Love the language of RP, focuses more on the human being as opposed to the human doing.

    It sounds great with what you are doing with Math for the school. I look forward to hearing about your findings of your inquiry. What are you hoping to achieve with the implementation plan? I'm very interested.

  2. I am wanting to just give the whole school maths programme a revamp, basically what is in the implementation plan currently is lots of old stuff that no longer needs to be in there. I also believe that the implementation plan should be like a math guide which would be very helpful for new teachers and relievers etc of Vardon School and I would like our implementation to reflect what teachers are currently doing:) Great to have you back
